It is no doubt thatSivakarthikeyan is way up in the top in the list of promising rising stars of Kollywood. As a token of appreciation, he was recently awarded the title 'Young Star'. However, the actor gracefully declined the title with humility. Meanwhile, he expressed that his dream is to work with big directors like Shankar and AR Murugadoss. The actor is gearing up for the release of his 'Varutha Padadha Vaalibar Sangam' and is also excited about his next film, 'Maan Karate' with Hansika. 'Maan Karate' is penned down by AR Murugadoss and has been launched recently. Sure enough, the actor is a sensation, post the success of 'Ethir Neechal'.
Home » Sivakarthikeyan » Sivakarthikeyan Named as 'Young Star'
Sivakarthikeyan Named as 'Young Star'
It is no doubt thatSivakarthikeyan is way up in the top in the list of promising rising stars of Kollywood. As a token of appreciation, he was recently awarded the title 'Young Star'. However, the actor gracefully declined the title with humility. Meanwhile, he expressed that his dream is to work with big directors like Shankar and AR Murugadoss. The actor is gearing up for the release of his 'Varutha Padadha Vaalibar Sangam' and is also excited about his next film, 'Maan Karate' with Hansika. 'Maan Karate' is penned down by AR Murugadoss and has been launched recently. Sure enough, the actor is a sensation, post the success of 'Ethir Neechal'.
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