Majority of French oppose military intervention in Syria

Paris: Nearly two-thirds of the French people do not want France to participate in a military operation in Syria in response to the alleged chemical attack that left hundreds of civilians dead, a poll showed Saturday. 

According to a survey conducted by BVA, a French marketing and opinion research company, 64 percent of respondents oppose military action in Syria, with 58 percent of them expressing doubts about French President Francois Hollande's ability to conduct an intervention, reports Xinhua. 

In an interview with a local daily Le Monde, Hollande stood firm to launch a "punitive" strike on the Syrian regime despite Britain's pullback after the government lost a crucial vote on it in parliament. 

He also affirmed that he would not take action without proof and confirming reports on the alleged chemical attack, expected after the UN experts' findings in their investigations. 

However, a possible intervention in Syria could be launched before the parliament emergency session set for Wednesday. 

"If I engage France, the government will inform (the parliament) about the objectives and means deployed," the president had said. 

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