Siddharth is the first South Indian actor

This is the time of social networking and most of our film celebrities area unit tuned in to some kind of networking to attach with their fans and friends. These area unit wonderful tools for the celebs to share their latest photos or to update concerning their comes. a number of them even use these technological means that to determine their performances and judge on their comes too.

There area unit quite an few of our stars like Samantha, Trisha, Taapsee and lots of additional on Twitter, a really common on-line social networking and microblogging service and that they have a large following in these sites. but the one hundred eighty hero Siddharth seems to be a cut on top of the remainder as he has a million followers as of nowadays (4th Gregorian calendar month 2014).

Quite excited concerning identical the actor tweets, "Thank you all of you!! you create everything groovy! first South Indian actor to 1,000,000... ten 100000 Ka inaam sarkar:)"

Congrats Siddharth!

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